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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SIZMIC WOBBLING chocolate 30
SOLID chocolate flavour 5
chocolate 30
THE chocolate BOX +box 43
THEO'S patisserie chocolate 30
TIFFIN chocolate +oval 30
VEC chocolate machines 7
WHITE'N NERO chocolate 42
ZOROY LUXURY chocolate 30
mac chocolate +bird & ribbo 30
new chocolate ZEBERON 5
oho! KRAMSI chocolate 30
world chocolate MASTERS 30, 35, 41
chocolates 30
BELGIQUE chocolates 30
BLISS chocolates +heart 30
BROWNCUBE chocolates 30
CALEFO chocolates 30
CESTA belgium chocolates 30, 35
CHEERS chocolates +fruits 30
DC DEVU'S chocolates +oval 30
DELI 9 breads chocolates 43
DGN chocolates 30
EXOTIC chocolates +oval 30
FRISTTEE chocolates FOREVER 30
GLEE chocolates +square 30
GOODWILL chocolates +box 30
KILWIN'S chocolates icecrea 42
L'ENVIE finest chocolates 30
LUXOR premium chocolates 30
METTA PREMIUM chocolates 30
MOMENTZ chocolates +oval 30
MORE ONE milk chocolates 30
MYSTIQUE chocolates & more 30
NINETEEN chocolates 30
NOBLE chocolates +oval 30
chocolates 30
SOUL chocolates 30
TAJ chocolates +chocolates 30
TAJ chocolates +chocolates 30
TCF chocolates 30
TIMES chocolates 30
WINSOME chocolates 30
XOCOLATE chocolates & more 30
NAPOLEON chocolatier +horse 30
ERTAY GOLD milky chocolaty 30
chocomo +cartoon 30
ORION chocopie 30
KANDOS chocotreat +square 30
chodo MAGIK 29
choic 6
choice 34, 35
choice +square 29
choice +star & circle 25
choice GOLD 25
choice WHISKY 33
choice of today DELTA 16
choice shoe co. +horse 25
choice the best PRAVAAT +fa 11
1st choice 16
1st choice foryour money DW 36
555 my choice 3
A-R-choice 25
A1 RELIANCE choice 42
AATMIC health by choice 16
AC american choice 10, 16, 25, 30, 32, 33, 34
ACCURATE first choice 1
ADAM'S choice 32
AHUJA choice of students 16
ALYSIS FIRST choice 21
ALYSIS first choice 30
AMEX choice nail colour 3
AMMA'S choice +stars 30
B.B. cards choice +woman 16
BABY first choice 8, 20, 28
BAKERS choice +chef 30
BRIHAN'S right choice 33
BRITANIA baker's choice 30
BRITANNIA nutri choice 30
BUREX right choice AMRUTHA 20
CAP gutkha best choice 34
CAPTAIN choice soya sauce 30
CELESTIAL a choice line 7, 11
CHAMLING family choice 30
CHANNEL choice 9
CHARLIE choice +man & oval 18
CHLORMINT pick your choice 30
CI first choice 25
CITY choice +cup 30
CITY choice +woman 14
CLEMA the perfect choice 29, 30, 32
CP choice ply +square 19
CRAWFORD'S choice 32
CRISPRO soya BOB'S choice 30
DEPAL good choice 24
choice 9, 12
DIETER'S choice 30
DIVYA salem right choice 21
DOCTOR'S choice 24
DUMEX top choice 30
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